
Showing posts from December, 2020

Something innate

Do you know what happens to wildlife when left alone from intellectual minds?  It thrives, because thriving is its default setting.  Just look at a forest.   Do you know what happens to wildlife when given just a little direction by intellectual minds?  It still thrives, because thriving is its default setting.  Just look at a rose garden.   And, do you know what happens to wildlife when there is too much thinking? Yeah, what wildlife?   Wild thing,    The Universe. by TUT

The learning time

 where are we? quel jour est-il là? until today... what is today meaning? what is "we", "me", "you", "they"? or maybe who? on sait - pas mal des choses à quoi ça sert? we're here when we're thinking think to exist already known and not seriously taken in fact  we still here, we are a transit